Michael Gottfried - Communication at ACT

For almost 20 years, Michael Gottfried works in the fields of communication, media relations, text & concept, digital marketing and A&R – with a strong focus on jazz & more, but also with regular excursions into crossovers, indie, classical music and “world music”.

Since 2009 he has been doing this exclusively for the label ACT, one of the world's leading indies in contemporary, cross-genre music with jazz-DNA. Michael Gottfried has worked on about 500 albums for ACT so far, among others with greats like Nils Landgren, Michael Wollny, Esbjörn Svensson, Wolfgang Haffner and Lars Danielsson. At the same time, his work is strongly focused on building careers of artists from the next generation like Dearest Sister, Johanna Summer, Joel Lyssarides, Anna Gréta and many many more.

His talk concerns:

- How do you tell good stories in the online and offline world and to the media, concert promoters, institutions and (potential) listeners.

- What does the current media- & communications landscape for jazz & more actually look like?

Moderator: Kim Vestin, Musikcentrum Öst


Saki Markovic - Digital marknadsföring i praktiken